Uber co-founder to launch first-of-its-kind 'daily-use' cryptocurrency Eco
Uber co-founder to launch first-of-its-kind 'daily-use' cryptocurrency Eco
New York: Amid the resurgence of cyprtocurrencies, news has emerged that Uber co-founder Garrett Camp is all set to launch his own virtual currency Eco. Camp, who is also the founder of the accelerator fund Expa, said he wants Eco to be a digital global currency, which can be used as a payment option all around the globe for daily-use transactions, according to the Eco Whitepaper. It goes on to say that a total of one trillion tokens for Eco will be issued initially, out of which half will be given away to the first one billion verified humans that sign up.
Meanwhile, there are plans to give away 20 percent to universities running trusted nodes, 10 percent to strategic partners, and the rest 10 percent will go to Eco Foundation, responsible for creating and maintaining the network. Apart from that, Camp and a small number of Expa-affiliated partners plans to donate USD 10 million to seed the foundation with an operating budget.
As per the report, Eco will be available on simple web and mobile applications, and with the fresh virtual currency project, Camp wishes to make the process more efficient in comparison to other cryptocurrencies in the market. In the Whitepaper released for Eco, it is clearly mentioned that it is meant for daily use, for which it will have low token prices unlike Bitcoin. The inclusion of web and mobile apps is likely to make the process much easier as well.
Security will also get prime importance in the current project as it wants to use only verified nodes for network support and transaction confirmations, meaning someone anonymous cannot run a node and confirm transactions like one could do on Bitcoin's network.
While this essentially removes issues of 51 percent attacks or other acts of fraud, it also means that Eco won't be truly decentralised.
It may be noted that there will be no Initial Coin Offering or ICO for the project, thus it is free from all legal hassles that have marred recent ICOs. While the concept of Eco is a novel one, it is certainly not completely new. After the issuance, Eco is set to take on other virtual currencies such as BitCoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Monero and many others.
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